Projects I Have Worked On

Anime Recommendations Landing Page

Landing page created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A landing page created by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Playing Video Games Landing Page

Landing page created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A landing page created by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Weather App

Weather app created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A weather application created via HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap as well as a weather API.

World Clock App

World clock app created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A world clock application created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript as well as Moment.js library.

Japan Landing Page

Japan Travel Landing Page using HTML and CSS

A responsive landing page created by using vanilla HTML and CSS.

React Weather App

React Weather App using a weather API

A weather app created via React, a weather API and libraries like animated weather icons and loader spinner.

Dictionary App

Dictionary App using React, a dictionary API and an images API

A dictionary app created via React, a dictionary API and an images API.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Rock, Paper, Scissors game created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A rock, paper, scissors game created by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Etch-A-Sketch created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript

An etch-a-sketch app created by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Calculator created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript

A calculator app created by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Sign-up Form

Sign-up form created via HTML and CSS

A sign-up form created by using HTML and CSS.

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard created via HTML and CSS

An admin dashboard created by using HTML and CSS.